When my kids were little, life was very busy.
I would try to remember the adorable things they said, but much of it slipped away.
I used to write things in their baby books once or twice a year,
but as time went by, several years got skipped.
Then I would frantically try to catch up,
sometimes writing things that spanned a few years.
I didn't want those adorable things lost for my grandchildren,
so I made this box for easy access in writing things down.
I have four grand daughters, ages 4, 3, 2 & 1 and another grandchild on the way.
I think this box will eventually contain tons of wonderful memories.
I am thrilled that Ayla telling me not to forget her sticklips (chapstick) or
Kierslynn telling me all about how "time-out" works are priceless and will not be lost.
The box was easy enough to make.
A can of spray paint on a wooden box from Michaels
along with some stick on embellishments,
but any recycled recipe box etc. will do.
but any recycled recipe box etc. will do.
I used Hallmark card software that I had installed on my computer to design the cards.
I wish I had one of these....
when my oldest asked me if "Daddy & I really did that" while holding his head in his hands
after finding out I was pregnant with my youngest
when my middle one broke out in song in a supermarket at 4 years old
belting out a very loud version of
"Don't You Want Me Baby" by The Human League, to the shoppers delight
when my daughter wanted me to use the "Vice-a-vator" on her and I finally figured out
she wanted me to get out the vaporizer to put in her room
There were so many more....
that are like wisps of memory now....
once in awhile one pops up in my mind,
and when it does, I will write it down.